10 ways to optimize Seo and relieve the Loading of the correct Blog

9 ways to optimize Seo and relieve the Loading of a true Blog-in the competition in the world of bloggers we are very influential in terms of Seo and speed blog, especially if you use a template heavy templates and very not responsive. I recommend using lightweight and SEO templates such as Viomagz, Brosense, Evomagz, Nubie Fast and others.

Obviously to get the most best results and speed up when loading on the blog we needed this optimization.

There are very many benefits of loading this fast blog, such as making visitors very pleased to linger in our blog so that they reduce the bounce rate, and make Google search engine more like our blog because the Loadingnya are very fast. As we now know that the loading speed of a site has become one of the many factors affecting SEO.

If you do not have a website and do not know the first step in creating a blog you can visit the first 5 steps to create a Website

How to optimize and speed bloggers?

Here's how you can speed up your templates to get more fast loading and get good scores on GTmetrix, Google PagespeedInsight and Test My Site by Thinkwhitgoogle.

1. Disabling Navbar

In addition to heavy loading process, NavBar also no important function on the template. Unlike the thing that you use is a default template blogger like PT. Keren once then Navbar will play a very important role, therefore it is better to turn off the feature only.

  • Open the Dashboard First
  • Open Layout Menu
  • Then select Navbar Widget
  • Select Turn off the bottom navbar
  • Finished

2. Deleting Thumbnail images of posts on the Homepage

The second way you have to do it correctly and carefully so as not to have any error, that is, delete the thumbnail image on the blog homepage in order to accelerate the loading process of the Blog and there is no image loading process.

3. Removing the Number Page Navigation feature

In Numbered Page Navigation is a feature to make it easier for us to open pages from every post and article on our blog, but unfortunately this feature is only created using Javascript.

Where this kind of Javascript code can only make loading our blog into a heavy, therefore for the lighter it is better we will remove it and replace it with default Page Navigation of the blogger.

4. Installing More Load Features

The Load More feature is the best replacement feature for a numbered page navigation as well as the built-in blogger page navigation key. In addition to being lightweight, using this feature is able to reduce a number of Bounce rates from your site.

5. Deleting images (thumbnails) in Popular Posts Widget

An image that's in the popular post widget really makes it look more attractive, but the origin of you know that it's just making your blog load heavy, therefore we delete it the following way:

  • Open the Dashboard First
  • Open Layout Menu
  • Then choose Popular Post Widget
  • Uncheck image thumbnails option
  • Finished

6. Installing the Lazyload Script for images

This lazyload Script is a feature that makes images to be loaded only instantly when visitors open them. So that when the visitor opens our blog they only load a few important files.

7. Installing an Expired Header

This Expired Header basically only serves to save the cache on our browser so that when a visitor opens our blog for the umpteenth time, they can load in a quick time. Because this feature works by storing the cache of files such as CSS, HTML, JS, JPG. PNG, ICO and other files contained in our blog.

8. Installing the Lazy Load Script for ads

For this script is a very unique feature, why it is arguably unique because the ad will load when all the pages have been loaded when the visitor opens your blog and will feel lighter even if it already provides ads on your blog.

9. Remove and replace Javascript, CSS

This is arguably very rarely done and is considered less problematic for well-known bloggers. But if you do this stage well and correctly can be ensured blog Buddy can be very-very lightweight and well-optimized SEO.

What needs to be removed and not need to be uninstalled in JavaScript default blogger

READ: https://www.igniel.com/2017/09/hapus-js-css-widget-bawaan-blogger.html

All 9th stage is already in the inside and you just have to do whatever you wrote in this article.

So to optimize the SEO and get fast load demurs use the above way and also apply to the template Viomagz.

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